Innovation and research for fluorescence microscopy

CrestOptics is a leading company in the development and manufacture of advanced systems for fluorescence microscopy.

  • CrestOptics DeepSIM module


    The DeepSIM super resolution module is easily integrated into existing microscope systems to provide structured localization imaging of complex biological specimens and to enable the effortless study of live-cell dynamics using routine sample preparation protocols.

  • X-Light V3

    X-Light V3 is the next generation of X-Light spinning disk confocal series. Best spinning disk features for superior confocal imaging: dual camera ports standard, up to 25mm FOV, NIR option, multiple disc pattern options, 15K RPM

  • X-Light V2.

    Fast and versatile spinning disk model for live and fixed cell imaging

  • X-Light NIR

    X-Light infrared confocal system allows you to perform fluorescence imaging in the optical range 700-1600 nm


  • CrestOptics CICERO


    A flexible, compact full-fledged spinning-disk confocal solution, CICERO makes high-end fluorescence imaging accessible to every laboratory enabling a variety of applications.